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City of Harare To Afford 20 Minutes Grace Period On Expired Parking Tickets


The City of Harare said it will afford a 20 minutes grace period on expired parking tickets before a car is clamped.

Speaking at a press conference, Thursday Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume said he will persuade the City Parking to add 20 minutes grace period on expired parking tickets.

The move came in after the City of Harare received a number of complaints from the motorists about the fines required after cars are clamped.

“The enforcement regime that we have adopted has caused anguish, inconveniences and sometimes regrettable incidents, we note these incidents and we have seen some of the videos and the issues that are raising because of the enforcement in the CBD.

“We have asked City Parking and our officers to give grace period on expired tickets, they had suggested a grace period of 10 minutes, I will strongly persuade them to make it 20 minutes.

“For those talking about the charges they are contend in our by-laws and it is a process to reduce the fines and also it’s a multi-government process,” he said.

Mafume further urged motorist use online payment platform to avoid inconveniences.

“I would encourage motorists to be in compliance and use our online platform to pay. We will expand the online platforms, ….but we need to move with technology and use our online platform that we have.

“We will make sure that our online platform is up all the time. I have been assured by the city park that the application is up and the online payment system is *192#. It works on EcoCash platform, we urge other mobile operators to avail us their networks to ensure that OneMoney and TeleCash users are also able to pay their parking fees online.

Mafume added that some of the complaints he received from the motorist were about the conduct of City Parking Marshals and he assured that they will conduct proper training on how to deal with the public.

“The treatment has to be better and will ensure that or Municipal Police and whoever we delegate conducts themselves in a manner that is respectful to the citizens and will make sure that there is adequate training in regards to the handling of people.

Staff Writer

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