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53% of CIC Users Are Women: MISA


53% of women in communities across the country have been recorded as users of Community Information Centres (CICs), the State of Access and Use of CICs in Zimbabwe Report has revealed.

While 47% represents the number of men that use these centres, CICs have been applauded for providing equal opportunities for women to have access to information thereby reversing gender inequalities.

“Access to internet for women, especially those in rural communities or with low income,has been limited due to various factors that include the cost of devices, cost of data, limited digital literacy skills and also societal perceptions and norms. CICs have provided opportunities for women to have an equal access to information as reflected in this survey which is important in reversing gender inequalities,”

“Of those who responded to the survey, 53% were women and 47% were male hence the access and use of CICs by women in their communities,” the report revealed.

Majority of the users at these information centres are youths with 30-39 year olds constituting 34%. 20-29 year age group was the second highest recording 33%. Those below 20 years were 22%.

Most of these youths use the information centres for the purposes of research and education.

The State of Access and Use of Community Information Centres in Zimbabwe Report is a compiled research by MISA Zimbabwe which looks at the state and access of CICs across the country.

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