
Zimbabwe to lose millions in foreign aid


Republican Party Presidential candidate Nikki Haley has  stated that she plans to cut foreign aid to countries that have hostile relations with the United States of America  if she becomes president.

The former Governor of South Carolina said that  it was a no brainer that the USA said had given hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.

“A weak America pays the bad guys: Hundreds of millions to Pakistan, Iraq, and Zimbabwe last year alone. A strong America won’t be the world’s ATM,”

“I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn’t waste our people’s hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends,” Haley said.

Haley also mentioned that American taxpayers still give money to Communist China for ridiculous environmental programs, even though China poses an obvious threat to Americans.

The United States remains  Zimbabwe’s largest bilateral donor having poured billions of Dollars into the country in development assistance to Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980.

The vast majority of U.S. foreign aid to Zimbabwe supports HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and care programming under the U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

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