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MP’s Speaks Against Selective Application of Law To Corruption Perpetrators


Members of Parliament (MP) last week spoke against the selective application of law to corruption perpetrators in the country.

Speaking during question and answer session Glen Norah MP  Wellington Chikombo and Kambuzuma MP Willias Madzimure  raised concerns and urged the government to come up with serious laws that punish criminals evenly.

“The last issue is that of corruption.  Corruption is now rife in the country.  Those who are caught are the small fish, matemba and the big fish, the breams are never arrested because they are under protection of the courts.  So, what should be done?  His Excellency the President did not explain what he is going to do and the steps that are going to be taken so that those who commit crimes of corruption are prosecuted.

“You will find that those who will have committed petty crimes are detained and sometimes prosecuted, and those with major issues are not prosecuted.   Then what kind of a country will it be when law is applied selectively?  The law should not be applied selectively,” said Chikombo.

Madzimure also added that, “I then turn on to peace in the country. It does not necessarily mean that if there is no war, there is peace in a country.  We have people who are arrested and stay in jail for a long time, like during the time of Smith.  Usually, these people did not commit a crime and they are released later on.

“We also have thieves who are arrested and they stay at home and only come on trial days.  These would have stolen millions of dollars.  I witnessed an SA Congress where there was a former Minister of Health who abused COVID funds.  He thought he would become President of ANC but the people did not allow that to happen.  They did not prevent him from contesting but they denied him.

“Here in Zimbabwe, criminals are going around scot free because they have lots of money.  They are arrested and then released.  Some people are building beautiful houses on top of mountains because they have a lot of money that they got through corrupt activities but we are not doing anything about corruption in this country,” said Madzimure.



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