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CCC Deputy Spokesperson Dismisses Mwonzora’s High Level Dialogue Claims


Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Deputy National Spokesperson Ostallos Siziba has dismissed claims by the leader of the Movement for Democratic of Change (MDC) Douglas Mwonzora that CCC, MDC and Zanu PF are engaging in a high-level political dialogue.

Speaking at a media briefing in Harare Tuesday, Sibiza alluded that Mwonzora’s claims are driven by his appetite to ride on the shoulders of the political giants.

Siziba said these after he was asked on whether CCC is engaging Zanu PF and Mwonzora’s MDC party in a high-level political dialogue.

“Our answer is an absolute and eloquent no to that particular assumption, we know that there is too much appetite particularly from the said individuals whose political carrier is sliding into the political ruining and the dust bins of history in the politics of our country.

“That’s why there is so much appetite and intention to try and ride on the shoulders of the political giants in this country in form of the Citizens Coalition for Change. I say this in more scientific terms, in terms of those that have been able to pull numbers in the politics of our country.

Siziba added that CCC is a transparent movement that openly discuss issues of importance.

“The said individual, I think is better placed to answer when, where and who because we have not had any so-called high-level political dialogue. We are an open movement a very transparent movement anything that we do does not happen under the carpet.

“The Honourable has mentioned conversation that we have done through Parliament as our theatre of struggle and those things are not secret and those things objective is to inform the Legislative agenda in our country.

“We must understand that the objective of our conversation is based number one, that we are representing the Parliament number two, we are engaging organs responsible and those that can be able to help us drive reform within the theatre of struggle which is Parliament

“The appetite to try and invite us into coffee tables, dinner tables and try to present trinkets and trumpettes of dictatorship is not what we want. We know that those type of colleagues are interested in those particular issues of benefits but we are interested in those trinkets and trumpettes of dictatorship,” he said.

On Monday, the MDC leader said that his party, CCC and Zanu PF have been engaged in high level discussion since last year.

Mwonzora highlighted that CCC is being represented by secretary general Charlton Hwende while Zanu PF has delegated the duties to former Energy Minister Fortune Chasi.




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