
Ministry of Public Service Develops Integrated Social Protection Management System


Deputy Minister of Public Services Labour and Social Welfare Lovemore Matuke has said his Ministry has developed a system that will assist in the registering of all vulnerable households in the country.

Matuke highlighted that the system is now at the pilot phase starting with Cyclone Idai affected District.

Speaking at a computer handover ceremony at POTRAZ Headquarters in Harare, the Deputy Minister also alluded that the system will also register the type of assistance that each household is receiving from the Government.

“Apart from the E-Government flagship project, the Ministry is also developing the Zimbabwe Integrated Social Protection Management Information System.  The system is now at the pilot phase starting with Cyclone Idai affected districts. The system will register all the vulnerable households in the country and the type of assistance that each household is receiving from the Government.

“This includes Social Protection programs such as the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy (FDMS) programme in the rural areas, Cash for Cereals targeting the urban population, the Harmonized Social Cash Transfers (HSCT) a program that assists vulnerable households with cash, the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) program which pays school fees for vulnerable children and the Assisted Medical Treatment Order (AMTO) program which pays medical bills for vulnerable groups of the society.

“The Integrated Social Protection Management Information System will ultimately guide policymakers in making evidence-based decisions for the betterment of livelihoods of vulnerable communities across the country,”

Minister of Information Communication Technology and Courier Services Jenfan Muswere handed over 160 desktop computers to the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare under the ICTs4e-government Service Program.

Matuke said the computers will widen the services offered to the public by the ministry.

“This donation has come in handy at a critical time when there is need to enhance and widen the spectrum of Government services offered online.  My Ministry has embraced the thrust to digitalize Government services as outlined in the NDS1. The NDS1 identifies ICTs as one of the key enablers in achieving Vision 2030.   It is therefore imperative for the Ministry’s services to be digitalized in order to achieve our National Vision,”

“It is important to note that most of our services in the Ministry are still paper-based in this era of digital revolution. This is caused by  the lack of the proper tools of trade among them computers and internet connectivity. My Ministry has four technical departments which are operating in all the ten provinces of the country. These are Social Development, Disability Affairs, Labour Administration and Employment Services and Promotion.”




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