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Zimbabwean Woman Scientist Innovates Drought Resistant Crops


A Zimbabwean Woman, Thirty-year-old crop scientist Tracy Vongai Mapfumo has made headlines innovating drought resistant crops.

The female crop scientist endeavors are also providing relief to farmers and helping fight climate change.

The scientist, Ms Mapfumo, has fought climate change head on considering it is adversely affecting agriculture.

Mapfumo’s enterprise is a relief for farmers through an alternative route of income generation.

“I am an agriprenuer and crop scientist, who has always had a passion for food innovation. It all started when I began developing home recipes using locally grown products. I found out that there is a market for this and that’s how the business started,” she was recently quoted in the media.

The crop scientist has made her mark as an innovator, helping farmers make the most of drought-resistant crops.

Mapfumo’s works have increased demand for sesame seeds, whose cultivation does well in drought-prone areas.

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