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Parirenyatwa Doctors Calls for A Meeting As Hospital Conditions deteriorated


Doctors at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals have called for an urgent meeting  to discuss conditions at the country’s biggest hospital.

In a memo.seen by this publication, doctors at Parirenyatwa lamented the deteriorating conditions at the medical care centre which they said were hindering their ability to deliver.

“For the past year ,the conditions in our hospital have deteriorated seriously compromising patient care and leading to avertable loss of life.

As healthcare practitionerss,we spent innumerable years in school training to serve our people.However,the critical lack of consumables is rendering us ineffective as we can nolonger deliver services required at a tertiary hospital,”read the memo.

The request for a meeting comes at a time when health care services at public services have been poor with hospitals often running out of basic sundries and the doctors have tabled the issue as part of the agenda.

“To mention a few there have been shortages of lack of yellow canulas,5mls and 10mls syringes,sterile gloves, betadine,cotton wool strapping catheters and urine bags.

As we all know the main theatrebis running on emergency mode with no elective cases .Those who do manage to go to theatre are supposed to buy suture,primapore, antibiotics,catheters and sometimes urine bags.,”the doctors added.

Health indicators are worsening drastically in Zimbabwe.

Hospitals in the country are unable to undertake the most basic operations because of shortages of anaesthetics, sutures, and other essential supplies.

Zimbabwe’s healthcare system once held up as a model for Africa is collapsing.

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