General News

Government Intensifies Disaster Management Programme


Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa has highlighted that government has intensified the disaster management programme.

Speaking during the Post Cabinet Briefing Tuesday, Mutsvangwa highlighted that government is working on the construction of flats with a target of building at least 2 relocation sites in each city or town.

“Cabinet adopted the Progress Report on the Implementation of Phase 2 of the Enhanced Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Programme, which was presented by the Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr C.G.D.N. Chiwenga.

“Under Phase 2 of the Regularisation of Dysfunctional, Illegal and Irregular Settlements, Government has prioritised the construction of flats in Dzivarasekwa and Senga, with a target of at least 2 relocation sites in each city or town. Construction works on the four blocks of flats funded by Government at Dzivarasekwa have now progressed to 65.8% of completion.

“Roads and sewer construction are each 95% complete, while the car park and culvert are 75% and 100% complete, respectively. Overall progress on the four blocks at the Senga Former Messengers Camp in Gweru stands at 31.75%. Cabinet wishes to highlight that payments to contractors for budgeted infrastructural projects are being expedited, following the completion of value-for-money and due diligence exercises which were being undertaken on the projects,” she said.

Mutsvangwa also added that government is taking serious action against land barons and the government will assist Harare City Council and other urban municipalities with Devolution Funds for the purpose of strengthening the local authorities’ law enforcement capacity in order to deal with land barons.

She addressed the issue of the Emergency Road Rehabilitation programme.

“Under the Second Phase of the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme (ERRP 2), a cumulative 125.3 kilometres of road length have been constructed, reconstructed or rehabilitated, while 7 764.9 kilometres have been pothole-patched and 577.7 kilometres gravelled. A total of 9 676.7 kilometres have been graded, while 228 drainage structures have been constructed, and 138.2 kilometres of road resealed or overlaid. Payments of contractors are being expedited,” said Mutsvangwa.

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