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Mwonzora told By Sikhala Uninvited & That He Doesn’t Want To Be Seen – Mtetwa


MDC T President Senator Douglas Togaraseyi Mwonzora has been told to talk to the hand by incarcerated Citizens Coalition for Change Vice Chairman CCC the fearsome Job Sikhala and Obey ‘Commander’ Sithole who Complained Over Mwonzora’s univited Visit, whilst the one they invited their president Advocate Nelson Chamisa has been banned countless times from visiting his fellow comrade.

Sikhala’s spokesperson Freddy Masarirevhu told the media that Mtetwa mentioned MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora visited the two against their will.

“Mtetwa said one such visit was of Senator Mwonzora. She told the Court that he went there uninvited and was told by accused that they didn’t want to see him.

“ZPCS even made special arrangemets despite protest. On the Contrary, genuine visitors including CCC leader Nelson Chamisa , the wives and their spokesperson.

“Mtetwa also said she was denied access together with a Doctor. She argued that this is a violation of the Constitution,” said Masarirevhu.

Beatrice Mtetwa, their lawyer said the incarcerated legislators Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole have officially complained to the Harare Magistrates courts that Prison officials were imposing visitors on them.

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