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ZMC Calls Upon Political Parties, Gvt, Uniformed Forces To Ensure Safety Of Journalists


Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) has called upon all political parties, all uniformed forces and the government to ensure the safety and protection of journalists.

ZMC said this while commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the 2022 International Day to End Impunities for Crime Against Journalists.

In a statement ZMC highlighted that uniformed forces, government and all political parties must respect the constitutional right of the media.

“This year’s focus is on safeguarding of female journalists, with Zimbabwe hosting the regional celebrations in Victoria Falls.

“The ZMC is joining the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists.

Information is a public good without which people can hardly make constructive decisions in their daily dealings. Journalists remain strategic in gathering and disseminating information in its different forms to the different publics across the board within our respective societies. To this end, the protection and safety of journalism remain one of the he key priorities of the ZMC.

Freedom of the press and the media is guaranteed by Section 61 of the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe (No.20) 2013, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the ZMC Act. These legal provisions give media practitioners the liberty to carry out their work in the country without any hinderance as long as they will be doing so in the confines of the law.”

ZMC further stated that a free media can assist Zimbabwe in the fostering the value of democracy as envisaged in the National Development Strategy (NDS1).

“The ZMC is calling upon political parties, uniformed forces, prominent members of the society and individuals to allow the media to carry out their Constitutional duty without any form of harassment or intimidation.

“ZMC, therefore, urges everyone to respect and stand in solidarity with the rest of the world to demonstrate the will needed to investigate and bring to book crimes against journalists and media practitioners.

They went on to say, Media must be given their right to cover the 2023 general elections just like any other journalists in the world they must play their role in gathering and disseminating information between election candidates and the voters.

ZMC also added that, ” What the ZMC has noted is the continued intolerance towards some journalists and media houses from covering certain political parties and activities. While some media houses may not report on a political party favourably, this does not call for the debarring of some journalists and some media houses in the coverage of those political activities. It should be appreciated that diversity of views creates and entrenches a balance in the media landscape and in the society at large.”

Audience Mutema

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