
Tynwald High School Accident Victims Laid To rest


Hundreds of mourners thronged GlenForest cemtery to bid farewell to the six tynwald hgih school peoples who perished in a road accident in Inyanga on friday

A sombre atmosphere engulfed the cemetery as mourners struggled to hold back tears,failing to come to terms with the loss of six innocent lives.

According to reports,the bus was speeding and overturned after failing to negotiate a sharp curve.

Speaking during the burial the Tynwald High School headmaster Mr Kenias Matimba said that the six deaths were not only a loss to their families but to the Tynwald High School as well.

“To the parent,let me say your loss is also my loss.Thise were not only your children but also my children.To the children ,when we resume lessons,you will be missing your friends,”said the headmaster.

The bus was carrying 41 students and four teacher when tragedy struck.

5 pupils died on the spot while the other one died upon admission at hospital.

35 other students are currently admitted in hospital s in Mutare and Inyanga.

Of the 35 injured,9 are said to be critically injured while 26 others are said to be stable

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