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Mourning Tynwald High School Wins Robotics 2022 First Global Challenge


Zimbabwe’s Tynwald High School Team came first in the 2022 Olympics-style Robotics Competition which was organised by the First Global Challenge.

The 2022 First Global Challenge which took place in Geneva, Switzerland from the 13-16 October were the first in-person competitions after two years of virtual games after the Covid-19 global pandemic.

This is the first time since 2019 high school students, mentors, volunteers, and supporters from more that 180 countries have participated in the global robotics competition.

Among 180 countries Zimbabwean team came first whilst Poland and Greece took the second and third positions.

Tynwald High School 12-Member Robotics team also secured the first runner up top position after beating 11 countries at the Pan African robotics competitions held in Dakar, Senegal.

However only 5 members participated in the First Global Challenger.

First Global Founder Dean Kamen believes that through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) the world’s next generation can work together to create a better world for us all.

“Participants will see how they can compete to each provide better solutions, but more importantly, how they can work together. We’re all on the same team. We’re all competing with the same global challenges. The FIRST Global Challenge enables kids around the world to all participate in solving problems, and cooperate with each other to solve the world’s problems,” said Kamen.

In other news, Tynwald High School mourns six of their students who died on the spot when the school bus they were travelling in overturned in the Juliaside area, Nyanga on Friday night.

The students were on their way to a trip when the unfortunate incident occurred. The deceased students were identified as Anesuishe Hove (14), Beyonce Guyo (15), Anita Munyuka (16), Destiny Dziva (14), Kimberly Tarisai Mutusva (15) and Craig Matanhire (age not given).

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