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EcoStars Awards Econet Employees Consistently Above & Beyond – Deputy CEO


Econet Wireless Zimbabwe (EWZ) Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Roy Chimanikire has said Zimbabwe’s largest Telcos ‘EcoStars Awards’ programme which they embarked on last year and revisited last Friday, is there to recognize and reward talent among Econet Staff that, “Consistently go above and beyond” their performance expectations in order to deliver Excellence.

The Deputy CEO spoke at an awards ceremony which was attended by Econet’s top echelon, selected guests as well as the winning employees.

DCEO Chimanikire said, “I believe you are here today because you have embraced the culture of excellence in every aspect of what you do within the organization, in your families, churches and in the community at large.”

“I applaud you for your Excellence because I know it’s a way of life that goes beyond your official working hours at Econet,” added the Deputy CEO.

The country’s biggest Telcos, EWZ, recognized its best performing employees at a colourful cocktail held in the capital on Friday.Zimbabwe’s top leading Telcos publicly recognize and rewards its top performing employees on a half yearly basis. This is over and above other performance incentives that Econet awards it’s employees from time to time.

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