A mysterious fire razed down 30% of the Pomona dump site on Monday in a suspected arson attack which has been at centre of controversy in recent months.
Geopomona waste management company confirmed the development adding that investigation were currently underway to establish the source of the fire
“Geo Pomona Waste Management (Private) Limited would like to inform ALL stakeholders and residents of Harare that there was a fire incident at the site on the 3rd of October 2022.
The origins of the fire are yet to be established and investigations are underway to establish whether it was a natural fire or was a product of saboteurs of the project. Indications, presently, point towards some deliberate scheme by some third hand as the fire erupted in various but distant spots simultaneously,”read the statement
The company added that the the fire started on Monday midday and efforts to contain the fire proved fruitful 10 hours later.
The Pomona dump site has been at the centre of controversy in recent months.
Earlier this year,the government controversially approved the Pomona Waste to Energy Project in May this year,a move which was met with resistance by the opposition legislators.
The deal involved Geogenix BV,a Netherlands based entity taking over the Pomona dump site with the Harare City Council forking our thousands of dollars to pay for waste management at the site.
The deal was later cancelled by the Jacob Mafume led council
Pomona Dump Site Burns Down
