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Mavima Rallies NECs Board Councillors & General Secretaries Symposium


Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare Professor Paul Mavima has rallied the National Employment Council’s NEC ‘s board councilors and secretaries Symposium.

In a speech read on his behalf by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare Dr Simon Masang, during an interface and discussion of pertinent issues relating to the labour Market , Professor Paul Mavima rallied the NEC’s board and secretaries Symposium as key elements of the labour administration system.

Minister Mavima reminded he delegates that they are indeed the foot soldiers in the fight for decent work for all in this beautiful country.

Mavima also reminded delegates that their timely event was crucial emerging from a pandemic that shook the whole world.

“We are all still feeling the economic, social and psychological impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic.

“The unprecedented pandemic wreaked havoc not only in terms of health issues, but it transcended all spheres of life and the labour fraternity found itself grappling with its severe ramifications as well.

“The silver lining from this pandemic is that we drew a lot of lessons from the experience most particularly true utility of social dialogue in mitigating labour market challenges. The unity and solidarity in times of adversity that we displayed as we discussed pertinent issues relating to the working conditions proved to be the greatest lesson for labour relations.

“There were very stronger calls for us to develop statutory instruments related to Covid 19 for labour administration. I am glad we were vindicated given our stance to advocate for social dialogue at sector and shop floor levels as the most feasible way to navigate through the challenges occasioned by Covid 19 at the workplace.

“As you may be aware, we are still not out of the woods as most economies across the world are still recovering from COVID 19 induced negative growth rates which disproportionately affected approximately 1.25 billion workers across the globe. In our case the hardest-hit sectors were retail, accommodation, tourism, food services, and manufacturing. It is thus imperative for us to play our part in helping these key sectors to build forward better as they are strategic to our economy.

Present was Advocate. C. Dube;
The Permanent Secretary Mr. Simon Masanga Senior Ministry Officials;
NEC Board Councillors and Councillors;
General Secretaries;
Chair of Organising Committee, Mrs Rose Mambo and other members of the Committee.

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