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ZLHR Condemns Attacks on SERI


Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has condemned inflammatory statements by South African Member of the Mayoral Committee for Economic Development, Councillor Nkululeko Mbundu of inciting violence against Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI).

In a Statement ZLHR highlighted that Mbundu must retract his reckless and utter disdain against SERI.

“ZLHR is perturbed by Councillor Mbundu’s blatant disregard and violation of court orders after he endangered the lives of SERI staff members and baiting elements in South African Communities to target members of the South African Informal Traders Forum (SAITF), who are clients of SERI.

“SAITF recently obtained a court order from the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court which ordered the City of Johannesburg to reverse the illegal eviction of information traders from the De Viliers trading precinct.

ZLHR also disheartened by the temporary closure of SERI.

The human rights defender said, “It extends its solid support to SERI, a partner in areas of mutual interest-public interest litigation. SERI has worked tirelessly to foster a culture of human rights in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the entire SADC region.

“We call upon South African authorities to ensure the protection and safety of SERI and SAITF members,” said ZLHR.

ZLHR added that South African government must ensure the safety and security of all people in its country’s borders and must find a solution to end xenophobia.

“Councillor Mbundu should immediately retract his inciteful, reckless and false statements about SERI and SAITF and should desist from making irresponsible statements that have the effects of triggering xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals living in South Africa.

“ZLHR implores and reminds the South African government that it has a mandate to ensure the safety and security of all people domiciled in its country’s borders and that it should commit itself to provide a permanent and lasting solution to end xenophobia and protect foreign nationals under international law.”

Audience Mutema

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