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Police Use “Strict Orders” To Bar Parliamentarians From Attending Sikhala Trial


The Zimbabwe Republic Police have reportedly used unlawful “strict orders” to bar Parliamentarians and other members of public from attending court case of Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole as they were appealing against their placement on remand.

The strict orders are unconstitutional and illegal as the police force do not make laws, but must simply enforce laws according to the constitution of the land, a clear principle under separation of the powers.

Law makers, journalists and other members in the gallery were today blocked by the riot police acting on the vague strict orders, causing tension at the Magistrate courts.

Addressing the media after the court session, Lawmaker and Member of Parliament for Hwange Central Daniel Molokela said he is not happy with the way the law is administered.

“I am not happy with the way the law is been administered in Zimbabwe because the right to bail is a constitutional right and with the case of honourable Sikhala and Sithole and their colleagues it is clear that this is politics at play, today we were bared from attending the court session.

“Personally, I was barred by the anti-riot police they were about 20 of them at the entrance and I asked them which law are you using from barring me from attending the case and they were all saying we are using strict orders and I said but that is not the law and they said strict orders are strict orders just to attend a public court case,” he said.

Molokela also said the Sikhala, Sithole and the other eleven’s case is not about serving justice but it is political victimisation.

“So, the way they are treating honourable Sikhala and his colleagues it is clear that it is not about justice, this is not about the law it is clear case of political persecution, it is a clear case of political victimisation.

“I am very disappointed and I hold Zanu PF, I hold Mnangagwa responsible because I know that there is a lot of political interference, our Judiciary is not independent especially our Magistrate Courts how can a magistrate fail to give bail every time when honourable Sikhala is in court, when you commit rape today you will get bail in this court but if you are Job Sikhala you have to go to High Court after three months. So, we are very unhappy and we want to tell people that Job Sikhala and his colleagues are political prisoners,” said Molokela.

Sikhala and Sithole are accused of inciting public violence to avenge the death of their party’s slain activist Moreblessing Ali and the duo have been denied bail by the Magistrate Court and the High Court.



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