
ZEC Set Aside US$83 For Delimitation



Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has set aside US$83 million towards delimitation exercise which will be conducted under section 160 and 161 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

Addressing journalists during a press conference ZEC Spokesperson Mr Jasper Mangwana said the Commission has budgeted $US 83 towards delimitation exercise.

“$US 83 million for the delimitation exercise with US$45 million for inspection and US$38 million for delimitation , Budget to cater for Printing of voters’ rolls, Vehicle hire ,Stakeholder engagement ,Material acquisition ,Voter education and publicity Personnel welfare,”

The Commission will embark on a 10-day voter roll inspection which will run from 17 -26 July ahead of the delimitation exercise.

“Composite centres with up to 4 inspection centres will also be manned by 2 officer , The inspection exercise is for those who registered under BVR up to 30 May 2022, ” says Mr Mangwana.

Mr Mangwana said the commission is inviting applications to observe the inspection exercise. The period for accreditation will run from 15 to 27 July 2022 at ZEC Head Office in Harare and will be decentralised as the need arises,”

The Delimitation voters’ roll has 5,804,497 voters.

According to ZEC ,from the time the Commission started publishing voters’ roll alterations in the government Gazette on 23 June 2022 a total of 186220 errors have been gazetted and corrected.

Delimitation is the process of dividing the country into constituencies and wards for the purposes of elections of persons to constituency seats in the National Assembly and of councillors to local authorities. The process is carried out in terms of sections 160 and 161 of the new Constitution

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