
ZNCC Castigates ‘Arbitrage Behaviour Destabilising Economy’

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Zimbabwe National Chamber Of Commerce (ZNCC) has Castigated what the business body has termed “arbitrage behavior which is Destabilising the economy.”

ZNCC captains of industry said widespread prevalence of arbitrage opportunities may continue to threaten economic stability in the country, calling for permanent solutions to address the primary drivers of challenges instead of legislating against them.

The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce said this in its submission paper to the monetary authorities and Treasury following a raft of policy measures announced by President Mnangagwa over the weekend to bring sanity in the economy.

ZNCC said, ” the primary drivers to the existing arbitrage opportunities could be addressed through market liberalisation as well as improving policy quality and policy response measures to any emerging threats”.

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The business representative board said “Government should be recommended for responding to the economic bloodbath unfolding in Zimbabwe.”

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