
ROHR Pleads For President Mnangagwa’s Intervention in Chiwenga Saga


Restoration Of Human Rights Zimbabwe has pleaded with President Mnangagwa to intervene and help Mary Chiwenga to access medical attention as well as seeing her children.

In a letter to President Mnangagwa,ROHR said that Mubaiwa should be accorded the privilege to get the medical help she needs abroad as the local health care was incapacitated to cater for her.

“Mr President, we are pleading that Marry be allowed to see medical help outside Zimbabwe where she can get the help that she needs.
It is clear and well known that our health system has collapsed and has failed Marry .

If Marry is deemed to be a flight risk,could she at least be allowed to bring specialists from outside Zimbabwe who can attend to her in Zimbabwe,”ROHR said.

Marry Mubaiwa is battling lymphoedema, a rare condition that causes swelling, which can lead to skin and tissue.

ROHR lamented the selective application of the law which has seen Mubaiwa being made to stand trial despite being unfit to do and also being denied permission to seek medical attention abroad while Priscah Mupfumira was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial and was even granted permission to travel abroad on business when she is physically fit.

“Mr President,Marry is being dragged through the Courts despite being very ill and this is also before the public’s and your eyes.She has collapsed twice outside the Court but the courts has shown no compassion towards her health predicament.

In contrast, Priscah Mupfumira a former government Minister who was implicated in the looting of US$95M of state funds was given permission not to attend court because she said she was not mentally for to attend court and was even granted permission to travel abroad on a business trip,”ROHR added .

Mubaiwa is facing charges of fraud and money laundering in a separate case. She has pleaded not guilty to these charges and the cases are still pending.

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