
Chamisa appoints co-vice chairman

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Former Deputy Minister of Local Government and Urban Development Sesel Zvidzai has been appointed as co-vice chairperson of the MDC Alliance.

Zvidzai took to Facebook to confirm the appointment made by the party’s President Nelson Chamisa.

“After two days pasting together the jigsaw puzzle for the change we all need. Change that will deliver for us all, the Zimbabwe family.

Happy to make my contribution in my newly appointed post of VC of the Party of excellence by President Chamisa”read the post.

Sesel Zvidzai served as Gweru mayor, Gweru Urban MP and Local Government deputy minister during the now-defunct inclusive government between 2009 and 2013 while Molekele is the Hwange Central MP and human rights lawyer

President Chamisa also appointed Hwange Central legislator Fortune Daniel Molokele as the party’s new Deputy Treasurer General and both appointments are with immediate effect.

Former  Secretary General for the Youth Assembly Ostallos Siziba has been appointed as the party’s new deputy national spokesperson,succeeding Clifford Hlatshwayo who has been reassigned to a new portfolio Diaspora Affairs and Operations

Promise Mkwananzi has been roped in as a committee member.

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