MDC Alliance president Advocate Nelson Chamisa has blasted the government for spending more resources on destroying opposition parties instead of developing the nation.
In an interview with TechMag Tv in Bulawayo following the dismissal by police, while celebrating the 22nd anniversary, Adv Chamisa said the government more money in trying to stop opposition instead of creating jobs for the unemployed youths in the country.
“If you look at government right now, they spend more time and more resources to destroy the opposition, the alternatives than they spend on building dams in Matebeleland.
“If you look at the budget for destroying the opposition, is far more than they have given to the young and unemployed, the elders, and the marginalized communities like Binga and Tsholotsho,” said MDC Alliance leader.
On another note, Adv Chamisa said that the government has claimed to have created jobs for the majority yet they have created only for their own people and benefit.
“… you do not create jobs for your people to because you want to increase your feeding basket, your focus should be on creating jobs for young people, to create jobs for the future and for everybody so that we have the ability to enjoy the cake as we go forward.
The MDC Alliance leader made his statements after his party was dismissed by police while celebrating its 22 years of existence in Bulawayo.