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Gukurahundi history must not be destroyed: Chamisa


MDC Alliance leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa has said the Gukurahundi history must not be destroyed and the vandalism of memorial plagues erected at Gukurahundi graves have to stop.

Gukurahundi was a series of massacres of Ndebele civilians carried out by the North Korean trained Zimbabwe National Army’s fifth brigade commandeered by the ”butcher of bhalagwe”, the late Ret Chief Air Marshal and former Minister of Agriculture ”gudo guru” Perence Shiri which sparked hatred from the 80’s with families who were victims of the massacre still demanding justice.

Vandalism is reported to be carried out by State security agents, and Chamisa made the remarks to stop Vandalism destroying the Gukurahundi history during his visit to Bhalagwe Gukurahundi mass graves.

“I visited Bhalagwe in Matobo. Don’t vandalise erected plaques, Memory and history can’t be vandalised.”

“ To deal with past atrocities, the State must take responsibility and genuinely apologise, allow a process of truth telling and accountability, allow for restitutive justice, restorative justice and rehabilitative justice, but not retributive justice,” he said.

Human rights groups estimate as many as 20,000 people died in Gukurahundi massacre, most of them ethnic Ndebele.

Many of the victims were executed, often after being forced to dig their own graves , and facing rape, torture, mass beatings and wholesale destruction of village.

While during his reign former late President Robert Mugabe consistently denied reports of mass killings, presenting them as fabrications of hostile Western media.Mugabe later on confronted with the blatant truth refused to apologise calling it ”a moment of madness.”Similarly his successor President Mnangagwa faced accusations for only setting up a Commission to look into it.Mnangagwa was Security Minister during the washing away of the chuff the shona meaning of gukurahundi with Sydney Sekeramayi as Defence Minister the only 2 old guard Mugabe Ministers then still alive and controlling the levers of power.

THE National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) led by retired judge Selo Nare is reported to have accused recent exhumation and reburial exercise of victims of Gukurahundi massacres which were supposedly done following a meeting between Chiefs and Mnangagwa whilst he was on leave.

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