A South African woman has stirred up quite a lot of controversy online after suggesting that South Africans will one day regret not being appreciative of President Cyril Ramaphosa.
The fervent Ramaphosa supporter made these remarks: “South Africa Will Appreciate President Cyril Ramaphosa One Day…Archive this tweet,” she passionately wrote. Naturally, South Africans had opposing standpoints on the comments. While some agreed with the Ramaphosa fan others argued that more damage was done under his administration than under any other president.
All this comes amidst the suffering and pain President Ramaphosa has brought to his predecessor former president Jacob Zuma. Critics argue Ramaphosa has proven to be a puppet of his Openheimer white folk trying to appease them by tipping the balance in their favour over the Gupta’s in their quest to control the economically prosperous stable South African nation.
LadyL as she is popularly known so far had 2823 likes, 153 quote tweets and 367 retweets few minutes after her tweet.