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Zanu PF Blames Chamisa’s MDC A For Fake Mini-Skirt Trouser’s Rumour


Zanu PF has blamed Nelson Chamisa and MDC Alliance Party distancing itself from messages circulating on social media platforms suggesting that it was lobbying for the banning of miniskirts and trousers for women.

Zanu PF Acting national Political Commissar, Cde Patrick Chinamasa added his sentiments that the fake messages were generated in the name of Zanu PF.In a statement, Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said investigations have revealed that the fake news was created by a non-government organisation allied to the opposition. Cde Khaya Moyo said such shameless levels of desperation reflect the immaturity, childish mentality, and an uncultured disposition in the MDC- Alliance. He added that the opposition malcontents have become lost minds and need prayers and sympathy, not ridicule, adding that the liberation struggle was fought and won by combat men and women and trousers had no gender.

“The party’s Women’s League was formed by combat women during the prosecution of the liberation struggle to commence work for post-colonial women empowerment programs and advancement in rights, status, opportunity and emancipation,” said Cde Khaya Moyo.

To this day, he said, significant strides have been made by the Zanu PF Government to advance women’s rights through radical economic empowerment programs to ensure that women are equal to men in all spheres be it economically, politically and socially.

“It is therefore ridiculous that a giant mass party formed and existing on the shoulders of an empowered Women’s League can be attributed such trivia on dressing. This false story reflects a new low for the MDC A. Zanu PF reminds political players that spreading fake news in the name of our leadership or party as part of the so-called misinformation and disinformation agenda shall never salvage their falling political fortunes nor heal their factionalism and splits.

“The people of Zimbabwe know too well, what Zanu PF, the party of the masses stands for because it is theirs and in no way can they be misled by these desperate fake news peddlers.”

Critics however are dismayed at why Zanu PF blames Chamisa and his MDC Alliance when the country’s largest opposition is pushing for bread and butter issues.Other analysts believe it is another shrewd method by the ruling Zanu PF to divert people’s attention from the breakdown of the rule of law and failure to govern.

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