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Human rights call for dispersal of Johane Marange Apostolic Sect gathered in Marange


Human Rights group has called the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commanding Manicaland Province to disperse thousands of members of the Johane Marange Apostolic Sect who are gathered for their annual Passover in Marange in defiance of lockdown measures.

In a statement, the  Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR)  said they also want the leaders of the sect to be arrested and charged for violating national lockdown regulations. 

“We have written to [ZRP] Officer Commanding Manicaland Province complaining about cops’ complacency in enforcing COVID-19 regulations by not dispersing Johane Marange Apostolic sect worshippers, who are currently gathered at a vigil in Mafararikwa village.

“We expressed concern over this neglect of duty by police as this public gathering is a super spreader of COVID-19 and a public health hazard with far-reaching consequences on the community of Manicaland.

“We have asked ZRP to enforce the law impartially and to disperse the crowd and arrest and charge the church leadership for violating national lockdown regulations.”

The ZLHR further called the ZRP to respond within 24hours and failure to do so, legal actions will be taken.

“We have asked ZRP to rapidly respond within 24 hours failure of which we will sue the State for facilitating a public health hazard.”

The Johanne Marange Apostolic sect gathering commenced on 3 July is scheduled to run up to 17 July. Reports suggest that some of the congregants have crossed borders to attend the ceremony.

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