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Parirenyatwa introduces booking system for Covid 19 vaccination


Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, has introduced a  booking system for Covid 19 vaccination after the institution was flooded with many people seeking  vaccines with some turning back without getting their jab. 

In a statement  Public Relations Manager Linos Dhire said the number of people intending to get vaccinated has dramatically surged over the past week, forcing authorities to the booking system to manage the numbers and avoid turning the place into a virus super spreader because of over crowding.

“We  are vaccinating 500 people a day so we also book 500 each day. Depending on availability of vaccines, everyone who is registered gets innoculated. We want to reduce costs by turning away people. Everyone who is booked for a certain day must get the jab. This booking system will also curb overcrowding,” Dhire told this publication.

Parirenyatwa  Group of Hospitals has been for the past week crowded as the public flocked to get their vaccine doses  in an effort to fend off the deadly third wave.

This week,  Monday, and Tuesday saw a total of 3 489 new Covid-19 cases being recorded with 61 deaths  (Monday 33 deaths and Tuesday 28 deaths) recorded according to Health Ministry statistics.

The government has announced new lockdown measures (level 4) including a curfew to curb the spread of the virus, which keeps mutating into diverse and difficult to manage variants.

“We have seen a sudden increase in the numbers of people coming for vaccination at this hospital. We have therefore decided to introduce the booking system where people come and register to be vaccinated.

We want to avoid overcrowding and reduce transport costs to our citizens. No one will be turned away once registered,” Dhire

Government has received two million doses of Sinovac vaccines from China Thursday afternoon.

Last week, it took delivery of 500 000 doses of vaccines from Asian state.

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