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South Africa goes under level 2 lockdown


South Africa has been reverted into the level two Covid 19 induced lockdown as cases continue to increase.

Addressing the nation on Sunday, the country’s President Cyril Ramaphosa cited the rapid increase of new coronavirus cases from about 4 percent to over 11 percent in the last month.

“We are advised by our experts that a positivity rate of over 5% is a cause for concern. The provinces of Free State, Northern Cape, Northwest, and Gauteng have reached the threshold of the third wave of infections,” he said.

Ramaphosa said under the adjusted level 2, people will need to be at home between 11 pm and 4 am asserting that all “non-essential centres”, such as restaurants bars and fitness facilities, had to be closed by 10 pm “to allow their workers to go home on time”.

Funeral numbers have not been quelled as the maximum number of people allowed to attend has been kept at 100 by the president.

Gatherings are the greatest source of infection. The less we travel and move around, the less the virus spreads. Funeral gatherings should not be more than 100 people. As before, night vigils and after tears gatherings are not allowed.

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He again stressed the mandatory wearing of masks in public spaces, calling it a “criminal offence” for people not to wear face masks.

Speaking when South Africa’s vaccination programme has had a slow takeoff, Ramaphosa assured the nation that the government would carry out the inoculations to all adults in the country, they are around 40 million.

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