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Controversial Mbuya Nehanda Statue to be unveiled


President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to unveil the statue of the late spirit medium Mbuya Nehanda in Harare on Tuesday as the government claims to cultivate the spirit of heroism in erecting the statue.

The statue was erected at the intersection of Samora Machel Avenue and Julius Nyerere Way in Harare.

In December last year pictures of the statue went viral on social media with claims that it was a farce of the actual spirit medium.

Permanent Secretary of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana said , “ Mbuya Nehanda’s statue is ready to go up onto the Centre of the City and right at the eye of the footbridge. “

This is going to be a City Centre Star Attraction, something to draw both international and domestic tourists and yet provide a functional way to cross busy roads. “

However, surviving relatives of the first Chimurenga heroine, Mbuya Charwe, the spirit medium of Mbuya Nehanda, approached the High Court challenging the move.

Mbuya Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana was the spirit medium that was the inspiration behind the 1896-97 first Chimurenga war.

She was based in the northern plateau of Mashonaland (specifically the Mazowe Valley,[1]) and was influential in resisting colonial encroachment and she used her religious authority to mobilise the masses against the Europeans.

She was born around 1863 and she died in 1898 after being executed by the colonial authorities in Salisbury.


Govt should desist from undermining democracy: ZLHR

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