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Magashule Behind No-confidence secret ballot: Speaker opposes ATM court appeal


National Assembly Speaker Thandi Modise is opposing another attempt to force her to allow a no-confidence motion in President Cyril Ramaphosa to take place by secret ballot.

The African Transformation Movement has applied to the Western Cape division of the High Court to be allowed to argue its case in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

The party’s argument for a secret ballot was dismissed by the court in March.Considering the spat between the all powerful post of the Secretary General and the President, it is dog eat dog as the factional fight between state capture enthusiasts and those claiming to be fighting it.The battle is between a sitting head of state Cyril Ramaphosa accused of corruption by suspended former Secretary General Ace Magashule.

Could Magashule do what was done to both Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma?

And could the prevailing political environment play into its hands?A secret ballot argued by the African Transformation movement could safely be carried out if Magashule succeeds from lurking in the shadows.

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