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Obey Sithole denied bail


MDC Alliance Youth Leader Obey Tererai Sithole has been denied bail. He appeared before Harare Magistrate Dennis Mangosi today.

He has been remanded to May 14 2021 for a possible trial date.

Sithole was arrested this Monday on criminal nuisance allegations.

His crime was chanting protest songs with the lyrics “haikona kutamba neropa revakomana” and held placards inscribed “Free Mako, Free Joana, Ziyambi Must Go”.

In denying him bail Mangosi said Sithole is likely to abscond if he is released on bail.

His ruling was based on the police officer who testified that their witnesses who saw him committing the offence said they witnessed him waving placards inscribed “Ziyambi Ziyambi must go, placards which were saying musatamba neropa revakomana.”

His legal representative, Obey Shava said he respectfully disagrees with the court ruling because the witness did not submit valid reasons.

“I respectfully disagree with the court simply for the reason that during the hearing the state did not place valid reason upon which they were alleging that he was likely to abscond, more-so, where the accused, my client, is already on bail in respect of a more serious charge than the one he’s currently facing before this honourable court. For me it defies logic that he would abscond in a matter which attracts a mere fine or very minimal custodial sentence,” Shava told this reporter.

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