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Chamisa says SADC must continue to help Brotherly State

In saying so Chamisa alluded to the contribution by Mozambique a sister country into the fight for our liberation and hence stated a good turn deserves another and likewise we as Zimbabwe must return the favour in supporting and helping Mozambique which is now under attack as we were during the liberation struggle.President Chamisa noted with concern the heightened tense environment engulfing the region as a result of a destabilised Mozambique and hence the urgency to act now.Chamisa said, ''In this regard, may we deploy solidarity to the great people of Mozambique as they go through a difficult period in their country. An unstable Mozambique is an unstable SADC and indeed an unstable Africa. A threat to one is threat to all. A lasting solution must be found in Mozambique so that there is peace and security in the region.''

The MDC Alliance President Advocate Nelson Chamisa has commended SADC for their intervention in the Mozambican crisis, saying such interventions are critical to the stability of the region.

However he said SADC must be more proactive in correcting issues as electoral disputes as they cause regional instabilty stating that an instable Mozambiqe causes an instable Africa.

In his exact words President Chamisa said

”Our independence was a product of African solidarity and international support. We salute African countries for their help to the liberation effort. Mozambique in particular played a critical role in the liberation of Zimbabwe.”

In saying so Chamisa alluded to the contribution by Mozambique a sister country into the fight for our liberation and hence stated a good turn deserves another and likewise we as Zimbabwe must return the favour in supporting and helping Mozambique which is now under attack as we were during the liberation struggle.

President Chamisa noted with concern the heightened tense environment engulfing the region as a result of a destabilised Mozambique and hence the urgency to act now.

Chamisa said, ”In this regard, may we deploy solidarity to the great people of Mozambique as they go through a difficult period in their country. An unstable Mozambique is an unstable SADC and indeed an unstable Africa. A threat to one is threat to all. A lasting solution must be found in Mozambique so that there is peace and security in the region.”

He also mentioned the importance of an Africa free from oppression whereby elections are respected and done fairly to avoid such repressions.

He further stated ”We call for the complete realization and preservation of an independent Africa as the continent’s new agenda to realize the aspirations of an independent African continent. An African continent that is free from oppression, an African continent that is driven by ideas.”

He emphasized,

”…At 41, we have rigged, disputed elections and disputed government. Comprehensive structural political and electoral reforms that are yet be implemented to create a level playing field…”

”A time to converge and give true meaning to independence and the sanctity of a vote.”

Indeed what he meant is pot and clara if SADC and AU defend the vote that counts then Africa will not be crying so much as they will be respecting and restoring the rule of law.

Chamisa joined the nation in commemorating Zimbabwe’s Independence Day bemoaning
”.. Zimbabwe at 41 years still has one television station…. a threat to our national sovereignty and an erosion of our democratic institutions. ….”
Chamisa also said it was sad 41 years on there is still ”…human rights violations at 41 years of independence with disputed elections and no electoral reforms implemented …”

He said ”… draconian laws … have seen the arrest and unlawful detention of activists….”mentioning ”…1,7 million people as at Dec 2020 are in abject poverty and workers are without a descent salary …”and encouraged a new ”….convergence and consensus required…”’ to overturn the tide stating ”…a fish rots from the head …”referring to leadership renewal.

Advocate Chamisa reminded Zimbabweans the reason why a country is said to be independent.He cited that the brutality suffered at the hands of the current regime is evidence Zimbabwe is not fully independent as yet.

He said ”Four decades later, we are confronted with another threat to that Independence in the form of a minority system based on brutality, marginalisation and discrimination, impunity and persecution using the Rhodesian manual or template of repression.”

”After 41 years, we have not matured into a multi-party democracy that celebrates diversity of opinion and respects Constitutionalism. We have had one continuous Republic of violence, dictatorship and repression.”

”The future of the Republic and it’s progressive development is under threat and cannot be guaranteed if we don’t change course.”

”It is vital to note that the spirit of independence did not end in 1980. It is an ongoing spirit, a never ending indomitable spirit, one that has spurred fighters for democracy to ensure that the promises of 1980 are fulfilled. The spirit of independence must inspire present generations to keep on fighting and not to despair. Young people stood up against the colonial regime when it seemed impossible. The fight against repression is never impossible.”

Fellow citizens,the contradictions arresting Zimbabwe today are a result of the hijacking of the agenda of the liberation struggle and a clear disrespect of those who sacrificed to secure the independence we are talking about today.”

”It cannot be acceptable to have the levels of poverty in our society today, the people of Zimbabwe are subjected to unpalatable suffering living from hand to mouth.”

”There is need for economic emancipation; which includes opening up resources to ensure inclusive participation especially by the young.”

”The need to end international isolation. The country has suffered long periods of isolation since 1965 and this has largely been self-inflicted. A return to democracy, protection of human rights and fairness are critical in the path towards inclusion in the community of nations.”

The above by Advocate Chamisa was like the proverbial lamentation by one biblical prophet Jeremiah in the hope the tide will be turned and respect to law and opening up democratisation space will be restored in place for a truly independent free Zimbabwe on its feet.

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