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Govt Relaxes Lockdown Restrictions, Curfew Pushed To 10pm


President Emmerson Mnangagwa has relaxed the national lockdown measures which practically have lifted most restrictions allowing Zimbabweans to go with their usual lives, but only till 10pm-5:30am .

While the president may not have pronounced complete uplifting of restrictions, the implementation of the current level will mean Zimbabweans at large will now operate and be allowed normal movement without an clashes with law enforcement agents.

In his announcement the president annonced

Individuals will no longer be required to produce exemption letters for travel and all businesses have now been allowed to open up including the informal sector.

Mnangwagwa made the announcemnt on Monday in a national address.

Supermarkets will now open up to 7pm everyday while restaurants can now open only for takeaways.

Intercity travel shall now resume while observing Covid-19 measures according to the World health Organisation.

Wearing of masks, temperature checks, washing of hands and sanitising of in all public areas remains mandatory

He added that funeral gatherings shall remain at 30 mourners.

Meanwhile ,Nite clubs, bars and gyms shall remain closed while bottle stores shall operate only for take aways.

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