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Mnangagwa Ignores Makandiwa’s Advice.

UFIC Leader Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa and Prresident Emmerson Mnangagwa meet

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangwagwa has disregarded advice from cleric Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa who has gone at lengths in speaking against hurriedly introducing COVID-19 vaccine in the country.

It is alleged that the UFIC founder recently met the Zimbabwean president to discuss various issues

The two met at an undisclosed place and the internet was awash with their photographs inscribed 25 January 2021, 16:05 believed to be the date and time of the meeting, with face masks pulled down for photographs, although the context of the meeting was not clear.

In his recent online preachings, Makandiwa has been on an overdrive speaking against the introduction of the vaccine in the interest of caution and safety.

He warned African countries against an abrupt approach to the rolling out of the Vaccines.

The man of cloth known for correctly predicting future events spent over two months preaching against a premature vaccine roll out.

He encouraged receiving countries to do a thorough test first before a wholesome adoption of the Vaccines.

Adding that a hurried approach could result in more harm and danger to human life.

In his latest sermons, Makandiwa aired concern that the vaccines which had not undergone mandatory 5 year testing for human safety may be used to piggy back the introduction of digital chips or covid digital certificates, which will spark the beginning of the 666 mark of the beast signing on human beings.

“Africa your are the least affected by this pandemic, take your time and verify”

insisted Makandiwa.

While Makandiwa clearly stated that he was not against vaccinations as he has undergone some before, he alleged that there is a huge conspiracy to take over humanity using the COVID-19 vaccines .

However, in complete disregard of the advice, President Emmerson Mnangwagwa has announced that his government is ready to roll out the vaccine and 600 000 doses have already been purchased.

Zimbabwe has purchased 600,000 Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine doses from China to complement the 200 000 donated by the Asian country.

According to the Health Ministry,a total of 800 000 Sinopharm doses will be in the country by early March, with aircrafts heading to China to collect the shots no later than February 13.

Government has announced that Covid 19 vaccination which is expected to start next week will be conducted in phases starting with the population at high risk including health workers.

In a press statement issued yesterday, the Ministry of Health and Child Care said the first phase which will be in two stages will target the health workers, Ports of Entry personnel ZIMRA, Immigration, Customs, funeral parlour and the security personnels as the first stage.

The Chinese vaccine Zimbabwe is importing has however not been internationally ranked in terms of performance and safety

Makandiwa is well known in the political sectors as the man who prophesized the rise of Mnangwagwa while he was still Vice President and how he would survive food poisoning attempt against his life.

The church at large has however taken a very cautious position against the introduction of the vaccine, with many advising natural ways to fight the pandemic.


Covid 19 vaccination to be conducted in a phased manner

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