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MDC Alliance trio bail conditions relaxed


MDC-Alliance youth assembly officials  Joana Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova have had their bail conditions relaxed in a case were they being alleged of faking abductions.

Following the relaxation, they are now  to report once a week from the previous three times.

High Court Judge Justice Edith Mushore  relaxed the conditions following a report by the  Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) that the trio were been kept for long at police stations.

MDC Alliance posted the development in a Twitter post saying , “ The High Court has relaxed the bail conditions of the MDC trio from reporting 3 times a week to once a week.”

Commenting on the same issue the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights said , “We have lessened the burden on 3 opposition youth leaders whose life was inconvenienced through imposition of onerous bail reporting conditions of reporting 3 times/week 

” The trio is reporting once/week after we asked High Court to relax these arduous conditions.” 

They  were arrested in June on charges of  publishing or communicating lies that they had been abducted and sexually abused by alleged state security agents.

Prosecutors claim that the trio lied about the  abduction.

The three were denied bail several times while being kept at Chikurubi Maximum Prison.

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