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Looming Disaster, as over 400 Pupils and Teachers test positive to Covid 19 pandemic


As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in schools over 400 pupils and teachers have tested positive to Covid 19 pandemic as schools have become the virus’s hotspot aided by the cramped environment and non -existent social distancing.

More than three schools have so far been sealed off after the authorities declared a health in Matebeleland North and Mashonaland West. more than 184 cases of covid 19 at John Tallach in Mat North.

In a statement Dr Takavafira Zhou said COVID 19 cases have continued to rise in schools and unless a robust approach is adopted to abate its effects there will be disaster in schools soon.

“It is dangerous for government to claim that the cases are minimal when it has no capacity to test all teachers, students and ancillary staff in schools,” he said.

-more than 88 cases at Chinhoyi High, Mash West
-more than 20 cases at All Souls Mission, Mutoko
-19 cases at Anderson Adventist High, Gweru, Midlands

  • Reported cases, Heretal College
    -11 students and two teachers tested positive at Mtshabezi High, Mat South.
  • more than 10 cases at Matopo High, Mat South
    -reported cases at Emakhadeni Primary, Bulawayo
    -reported cases at Girls College.
    -3 reported cases Rujeko Primary, Masvingo
    -Reported cases, Prince Edward, Harare
    -Reported case, David Livingstone, Harare
    -Boarding kids have tested positive, Selbourne Routledge Primary, Harare.
    -reported case, Avocar Primary, Bindura
    -confirmed cases of ten teachers, 23 pupils, Bindura Urban Schools
    -reported cases, plumtree schools, Mat South.
    -40 learners have symptoms consistent with covid, Wadilove.
    He further elaborated that many other teachers and students are positive but have not yet been tested or are waiting for confirmation of results.

“Our preparedness to efficiently, effectively and transparently use resources to combat Covid 19 in schools is uppermost now. Without this, the best would be to urgently close schools before the majority of teachers and pupils become victims,”

“When we pointed out that schools were ill-prepared to abate Covid 19 pandemic, as a professional group of teachers, we were labelled agents of regime change. It is now crystal clear that whatever Minister Matema and perm secretary Thabela saw as semblance of preparation was nothing other than a tissue of misrepresentation,” he said.

Mr Zhou also said that for the avoidance of doubt students are not ready for such examinations and enforcing writing of examinations by covid 19 positive students would be a violation of their rights and stressful. No teacher would invigilate and let alone mark exams from a centre known to have had covid 19 positive candidates, never ever unless such teachers would have gone mad and become careless with their health and safety.

In a tweet Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana said examination were proceeding despite Covid 19 Scare.

“Govt has assured the nation that this year’s public examinations will proceed this week with more than 600 000 candidates expected to sit for the exams. Those who are Covid19 will write in isolation and exam rooms will be continously disenfected ” he tweeted


31 more students test Positive for COVID-19 at Chinhoyi High

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