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VP Chiwenga grilled for using military tactics- Nurses


Disgruntled Nurses have confronted Vice president and Minster of health Constantino Chiwenga, for reversing working hours.

Last week Minister Chiwenga announced that the flexi working conditions had been suspended and advised the health workers to revert to the normal schedule of five days a week.

Nurses have since written to Chiwenga through his permanent secretary Jasper Chimedza rejecting the reversal of flexi working hours.

In the letter dated October 23, the nurses protested over what they termed “militarisation of the health sector”. Chiwenga was a former military commander.

Part of the letter signed by the Zimbabwe Professional Nurses Union (ZPNU) president Robert Chiduku reads: “. . . Our attention has been drawn to your decision to unilaterally and abruptly suspend the flexible duties. The decision was implemented outside an official and legal collective bargaining agreement through the health service bipartite negotiating forum.

“We would like to register our displeasure and further condemn the dictatorial, militaristic and one-sided directive to forego relevant labour stakeholders like unions . . .”

The nurses has also pointed out that Chiwenga had resorted to use of command tactics in running the Health ministry.

“We are also aware that you released another Letter of Command (LOC) in which you instructed hospital authorities to update your office on work attendance. Clearly, this is the genesis of militarisation of the health service and we are really disappointed by such schemes. This is daylight victimisation, “wrote the nurses.

The health workers threatened to resume the strike if their grievances were not addressed.

They insisted that they still wanted their salaries pegged at the equivalence of what they earned in 2017 in United States dollars before the country adopted the moribund bond note currency.

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