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Govt employs 5000+ Teachers, Set to recruit more


The government has employed 5300 teachers and also announced plans to recruit 3000 more in a bid to reduce teacher’s shortages in schools and also reduce class sizes as a COVID-19 containment measure.

The Minister of Education Cain Mathema revealed the development saying they are not concerned about striking teachers.

“Indeed, within the last week, we have employed 5 300 new teachers and we will continue employing teachers so that every person who is trained as a teacher anywhere in Zimbabwe gets a job,”

“After all, the Covid-19 environment demands that indeed we employ more teachers because of social distancing. In addition to that, we still need at least 3 000 more schools in Zimbabwe. So, every teacher who is not employed will be employed in our schools,”

“All schools have school heads, senior teachers and those teachers who have not gone on strike. Like I said earlier on, we are employing more teachers. So, as far as the ministry is concerned, we do the best that we can to make sure that those children who are in school are taught,”

Meanwhile, salary negotiations between civil servants and the government are are not bearing any fruits after it emerged that the Apex Council rejected the government’s offer according to Public Service Minister Larry Mavima:

“There have been two sessions and, in both cases, the Apex Council did not accept the Government offer. So, the Government team went back to consult with the principals. That consultation is still taking place. We are hoping that there will be another round of negotiations next week,” said Minister Mavima.

“What we have said in a rather informal meeting that we had with teachers’ unions – it was the Hon Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and I. It was not a negotiating meeting but more to understand fundamentally what the teachers’ issues are. So, we have that understanding and the Government team is going to be appropriately instructed in the next round of negotiation,”

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