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ZOCC members start 30 Day Digital Protest


Zimbabwe Online Content Creators (ZOCC) members are starting a 30 day digital protest to condemn assault , attacks and robbery of Journalists.

The development comes in the wake of continued assault and brutality on the members of the media.

Last week Friday 6 Journalists were assaulted and robbed of their media equipment while covering a ZINASU press conference near Impala Car Rental.

In a statement ZOCC said, “ In light of the recent attacks of Journalist we are responding with a strong “30 day Digital Protest through a sustainable daily show “

“ The show will run every lunch hour from 1:30 pm to 2:30pm running under the hashtag #JournalismIsNotAcrime,” ZOCC said.

The digital protest show will be hosted on online , where all the hosts will take turns in telling their stories , struggles and challenges and more importantly how they should be resolved.

“ We are fighting for the sector together and defending it so that these assaults, harassment and robberies stop with immediate effect. We also expect state to respond with a clear plan on how they will help stop and apprehend these criminals .” said ZOCC

Staff Writer

Joanna Mamombe Taken Back To Chikurubhi prison for “mental examination”.

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