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Former ZANU PF official diagnosed with Cancer


Former ZANU PF Harare Provincial Commissar Shadreck Mashayamombe has been diagnosed with colon cancer.

Posting on his Facebook page Mashayamombe advised young men and women to for routine Colo-rectal Cancer screening.

“SAD to tell you that I have been diagnosed with COLON CANCER. I advise all young men and women to go for routine Colo-ractal Cancer Screening. Pray for me as I battle against this Monster. I am starting a new Journey in my life,” he said

The disease recently claimed the life of 34-year-old opposition MDC Alliance political activist Patson Dzamara who was a brother to missing journalist-cum political activist Itai Dzamara.

Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer globally, and the 6th most common in Africa. There has been a gradual temporal increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer in Zimbabwe over the past two decades
The exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, but certain risk factors are strongly linked to the disease, including diet, tobacco smoking and heavy alcohol use.

Also, people with certain hereditary cancer syndromes or a family history of colorectal cancer have a high risk of developing the disease

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