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ZLHR Condemns savage attack of the catholic bishops by Govt


Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has condemned the verbal criticism and savage attack of Catholic Bishops by the government.

ZLHR notes that there is no justification of this vilification of the clergymen and this anti-Catholic scorn because for the Bishops, speaking out against transgressions is their moral obligation.

Government criticism towards the bishops came after the clergy men lambasted governments ominous transgressions in a Pastoral letter concerning the current situation the in the country raising concerns over human rights violations.

In response to the letter Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa verbally attacked Catholic Archbishop Robert Ndlovu over his criticism of the human rights violations in the country.

In a statement on Sunday ZLHR , issued a directive to the government to draw back its attack towards the Bishops denouncing government failure to accept criticism.

“To government, ZLHR calls for the withdrawal of its intemperate and inflammatory statement and urges it to embrace constructive criticism and theZimbabwe’s.”

“As ZLHR, we are greatly concerned that the intolerance of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government on dissent and criticism is becoming more despicable every passing day and we should realise that it is the manifestation of President Mnangagwa’s and his followers’ fear on the people’s legitimate dissatisfaction from a leader who claimed and promised to be a “listening” President which is equally growing, “ ZLHR said in a statement

ZLHR further attested that according the country’s constitution everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and expression.

Section 60 of the Constitution provides for freedom of conscience and states that; “Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, which includes— (a) freedom of thought, opinion, religion or belief; and (b) freedom to practise and propagate and give expression to their thought, opinion, religion or belief, whether in public or in private and whether alone or together with others.”

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