In a shocking revelation involving the case of investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, Harare Magistrate Ngoni Nduna on Wednesday upheld state application to bar the press and the public from attending the court session.
The court appearance began on a sour note on Wednesday as Chin’ono’s lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa called for the prison services to take leg irons off of her client while he is in court.
Nduna upheld the state application to try Chin’ono in private today, even though his lawyer argued that his case is in the public interest.
Chin’ono will testify about the state of prison conditions, which the judge said would jeopardise prison security.
Chin’ono’s lawyer Mtetwa says that he is surviving on biscuits and water because prison authorities will not allow him to receive homemade food, but he was able to get a visit from his sister.
Chin’ono is accused of inciting public violence through his Twitter Account, but since his arrest on 20 July 2020 together with opposition leader Jacob Ngarivhume he has been facing hurdles to secure bail.