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MissRed apologizes to the nation


TV and Radio personality Samantha Musa has acknowledged that she misfired during her interview on one of Ghana’s radio stations, Y107.9FM.

Musa, popularly known as MissRed stroke the wrong cord when she sensationally claimed that Zimbabweans were exaggerating the current human rights abuses by suspected security forces.

Her utterances come at a time when investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, Jacob Ngarivhume and several government critics are languishing in jail.

Chin’ono known for exposing government officials’ corruptive activities is accused of inciting violence via his Twitter account while Ngarivhurume is facing charges of organising a citizen peaceful demonstration, 31July.

ZimLive editor Mduduzi Mathuthu, MDC Alliance vice chairperson Job Sikhala among several other regime critics are currently in hiding because of security threats on their lives.

There are several incidences of torture, rape, abductions and abuses in the country from the security forces.

But in her interview, Musa decided to present the current situation in the country as business as usual.

She said social media was presenting a situation whereby Zimbabwe looked like it was in the middle of a war zone and yet that was not the case.

This triggered anger among netzens who spammed her Twitter account with verbal attacks.

She received all sorts of obscenities from the angry Zimbabweans across the globe.

In managing the situation which proved too hot to endure, the ZIFM Radio presenter had to offer her apology.

“Dear fellow Zimbabweans, I really do want to say, I am sorry I let us down. I am sorry that my words have caused pain and have resulted in so many of you feeling that I have let our cause down.”

“I have listened to all the feedback and concerns raised and although my temptation has been to explain away the pain, I do agree I could have articulated our plight much more clearly. In hindsight I should have declined the interview given the gravity of the cause.”

“I want you to know I share the pain and daily struggles we all experience and do not in any way trivialize this #ZimbabweanLivesMatter and this is not negotiable. Again, my profound apologies,”she apologised.

Zimbabweans were remorseful towards her humble actions,some responses read, “This is somewhat noble. I personally will take you for your word,I leave the sincerity part of it to you and God almighty. Thank you,for the bold step, not many of us can come back to say sorry.”

“You have done well to look back and realise your mistake. It takes a lot for someone to raise their hand and apologise. Well done! Lesson learnt and am sure we will all move on and continue in the trenches fighting for #ZimbabweanLivesMatter.”

However, some responses were negative and accused Musa of trying to be smart and requested that she tag the radio station again to apologize for not being truthful and for making the situation in Zimbabwe lighter than it is.

“I suggest you go on the exact same platform and clarify what exactly the hashtag means and why our suffering is not the imagination of a tiny diaspora as if the rural folk have it any better #ZimbabaweanLivesMatter.”

“I listened to your interview and I am heartbroken. How come you portray to the world that what citizens are saying is all fiction. I am very disappointed. People have no freedom, abductions, torture & judiciary capture is the order of the day in Zim. #ZimbabweLivesMatter”

“I understand you myt have been tryng to play safe but remember you are influential therefore wat u say to the world,the world will embrace now the world may not take the zim situation seriously anymore..we now look like we are cry babies #ZimbabweanLivesMatter.”

Meanwhile, Zimbabweans had to vent their displeasure over the government’s brutality towards its citizens through a social demonstration dubbed #ZimbabweanLivesMatter, after the 31July protest failed to take off due to the deployment of security forces across the country.


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