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Commercial sex workers turn to sadza business for survival


COVID19 has posed a great threat to the sources of livelihoods for both formal and informal workers with many resorting to new income sources for survival.

The latest revelation show that commercial sex workers who traditionally survive on thigh vending have also adjusted to suit the current COVID-19 environment.

The temporary closure of their usual market places have forced them to venture into other businesses for their survival.

The lockdown measures, currently experienced in the country to curb the spread of covid19 have literally affected every sector of the economy.

In an investigation carried out by TechMag TV on how commercial sex workers are making ends meet under the current environment, it came out that some are now selling sadza and relish to tackle the tense situation.

In an interview, two ladies of the night who spoke on condition of anonymity testified that life has never been the same since the introduction of lockdown in March.

The struggle to raise money for daily meals and monthly rentals forced them to restrategize.

“ Affording a basic meal since lockdown has been difficult my kind of job requires me to be outdoor in clubs , bars and on the streets the restriction on movements and closure of bars is threatening my generation of income,” one of the ladies said.

The duo are living to tell the struggles as the other worker added that she went for days without a basic meal after running out of the few savings she had made.

“ My little savings became dry with our movements being restricted , hotels being raided my source of income closed.”

The small business does not bring much as they are used to but , it has become a source of survival.

“When it rang in our minds that lockdown is going on for a while we had to take action and think of other survival means , we thought of cooking sadza and sell around town , its something we are not used to by the situation at hand pushes us.”

“ Those that know us were actually shocked to see us engage in such a business , but this has also worked in our favour as we now have a better clientele.”

Situation is proving to be better as they try to survive the lockdown which has changed quite a number of lives , economies , businesses globally.

With the number of Covid-19 cases in the country increasing daily , now the number of confirmed cases surpassing 3k , lockdown is likely to go on for a long time , hitting hard on citizens survival.

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